Protect Your Pet Campaign
Cat carriers for pet safety
I cannot stress enough the importance of having a cat carrier for the ride home when picking up your new addition. The carrier will also be necessary when taking them to the vet for shots and checkups. You should make the carrier one of your first purchases before picking up the new feline member of your family.
When adopting your new cat or kitten you need a safe, sturdy way to transport them. They need to have a safe, comfortable place for the ride home. Cats are not keen on car rides. They are easily startled and can be out of your arms in seconds no matter how snugly you hold them. An unsecured cat or kitten makes for a potentially dangerous car ride.
My goal is to collect enough cat carriers for the local animal shelter/rescue to have on hand and utilize in a couple of ways.
Some folks come to adopt a feline but neglect to bring a carrier.
- The shelter could loan them a carrier to be returned in a pre-determined time frame.
- The shelter can always use carriers for animal rescue emergencies.
*Contact Lee via our CONTACT US form
if you would like to donate one or more carriers to help felines in need.